Pedal Across Wisconsin
Established 1985
Fully supported, affordable Wisconsin Hotel Bicycle Vacations & Florida Keys Bike Ride
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Jerry:  847.707.6888
Ken:  847.309.4740
​PEDAL ACROSS WISCONSIN, INC. 1205 WESLEY AVE. EVANSTON, IL. 60202  847-707-6888  Email:

Dear PAW Riders,

Thanks for joining the PAW tour. It is with great anticipation that we look forward to biking with you. We will do our best to make this the most enjoyable cycling experience you ever had, however, the most important feature of the trip remains for you the rider to complete-that of a safe journey. While Wisconsin is a cyclist’s paradise, most of the usual hazards found elsewhere exist there as well. There will be potholes, stones, ruts, gravel, limited visibility intersections, and maybe even a driver or two who feels we have no right being on the road. Remembering the following will help you have a safe ride.

Avoid the temptation of going too fast downhill. Remember, at the bottom of every good downhill there is gravel, a bad railroad crossing, a stoplight, or some potential obstacle waiting to bring your ride to an abrupt finish. A 25MPH speed limit is recommended. Those who disagree need only to think of the consequences of snapping a brake cable, blowing a tire, getting a flat, or hitting a hole or gravel patch while speeding.

*Walk over Railroad tracks. Cross at 90 degree angles. Never ride over when wet.

*Ride single file and do not “Draft” the rider in front. 

*Pass on the left only and let other riders know your intentions. Do not call “clear” for the rider behind.

*At crossings where sightlines are limited, move to where it is not.

*Equip your bike with a mirror. Do not expect to hear the cars, certainly not when riding into the wind. Even if you do, your ears won’t tell you if the car has moved to the left.

*Do not assume because the road is not marked for gravel that there is none, or not marked “SLO” (slow) that fast is ok.

*Replace your helmet every five years. If you feel you don’t need one, ask yourself if your head is harder than the ground!!

*When steering your bike off the road or path do not attempt to ride back on to the pavement. Dismount and lift or walk your bike back on to the road.

*Get off your bike to talk on your cell phone.

Please remember the support vehicles are for emergency. Carry a few tubes, a pump, rain gear, and enough water for 25 miles. Check your bike and tires before you leave home.
We hope all your rides will be safe.

Dr. J. Pedal                                                    Jerry Goldman
Concierge                                                       Safety Cycologist 

Copyright 2012: Pedal Across Wisconsin | Wisconsin Bike Rides | All rights reserved.
847-707-6888 |
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